The Scratch Cats are an elite band of feline fighters, dedicated to the protection of planet Earth. Under the auspicious leadership of Professor Julius, they must battle against the evil forces of space-rats Washington and Jefferson, who have returned to earth to wreak their deadly revenge. Rats throughout the world have started banding together, destroying all in their wake. Washington and Jefferson's deadly mutators have been installed everywhere, creating bizarre and ever more deadly mutated rats. Likewise, their 'duplicators' are rapidly increasing the rat population. Only the Scratch Cats can save the day... however, realising the threat, Washington and Jefferson have kidnapped Pearl, one of the team, and taken her to their lair in outer space. Professor Julius assembles the remaining Scratch Cats for a crisis meeting. "My new invention, the eraticator, will help you. This will allow you to trap the pesky rodents, which you must then dispose of. Be quick - don't let them damage anything! They've invaded houses, gardens, the fun house, museums and many more locations. Get to work!"